Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Diet- best preventive remedy for acid reflux or heartburn

If you suffer from chronic acid reflux then its time for you to check what food you are eating. Seeking treatment for acid reflux is not a long term solution. Focus on prevention rather than cure. You should be aware that if you avoid certain foods it will save you from this problem. If you make a change in your diet you will notice a lot of difference. In the first place your health will improve and secondly it will ease your acid reflux problem if you happen to periodically suffer from this disease. Another common name of acid reflux is heartburn so don’t think that these are two different conditions.

The problem occurs when foods that you eat come up to your esophagus after getting broken down and mixed with stomach acids. Actually after eating the food goes to your stomach from where it goes to the small intestines for further digestion. It should not come back to your esophagus. If you eat highly acidic foods your normal digestion process gets disrupted which results in abnormal return of food to the esophagus. These foods which are highly acidic in nature get mixed with the acids produced by the stomach (for digestion). When such foods mixed with stomach acids come into contact with the esophagus you experience heartburn or acid reflux. In some cases the discomfort can be very severe which may require immediate medical attention.

Some people seeking acid reflux remedies take antacids or also opt for surgery but these steps do not guarantee you long term cure. There is every possibility that you will again suffer from heartburn. Therefore your best bet is to make suitable changes in your present diet. Make a list of foods that tend to trigger heartburn. Eliminate those foods from your diet if you wish for a long term cure.

Avoid fried, fatty and spicy food. Some citrus fruits like oranges, lemons etc are acidic so it is best to avoid them. There are also certain vegetables like tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli etc. Even chocolate can trigger heartburn. Avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages. In some people milk can also aggravate heartburn. However as diet is individual specific so before making changes discuss with your doctor or dietician. Sometimes it may not be possible to eliminate certain foods mentioned herein from your diet. So the best thing you can do is to limit your intake. Always prepare your food in a healthy way. There are lots of healthier alternatives for people in search of heartburn remedies.

Benefits of apple and cider vinegar

In the plastic age falling back to natural and homemade remedies is the best bet. Thinking that it is pursued by people who believe in supernaturalism and miracles would be absolutely silly and baseless. After all what is parroted throughout ages, is true sometimes. Natural remedies are not chased by people who are not exposed to the new drugs and medicines in the clinical area. Our body is a storehouse of toxins. The air we breathe, the food that we eat or the water we drink is all contaminated to some extent which we are unaware of. It is as important to drain out the toxins from the body like the way we drain out trash from our house and life.

Our grandparents were wise enough to fall back to nature for any ailment. It yielded good results and the less invention of new drugs was kind of blessing in disguise. Atleast inappropriate addiction was not there. Natural constipation remedies are manifold. One of the top favorites is the fruit apple. An apple a day keeps a doctor away is just not a sweet rhyming line only. It `s universality and significance is well- realized in this case in too. This fruit has been used as a cleaning instrument as well as a preservative. Apple has a laxative content which adds bulk to the stool. Apple cider vinegar is a fermented form of apple which is taken diluted with water. It is very helpful or rather the helpful factor in enhancing candida cleanse and liver detoxification.

Apple is not a seasonal fruit anymore. Infact today we get almost every vegetable and fruit irrespective of the season and time. Eating this fruit daily reduces the risk of getting affected with diseases and ailments. One can remain healthy and for that the pocket isn`t depleted. Hefty medical bill have always given worst nightmares to all and sundry. Obviously apples would be preferred when this humble red fruit has the properties to keep pocket and health fine. If anyone has to make a list of natural constipation remedies apple will be at the priority followed by lemon, garlic, yogurt so on and so forth. Apple cider vinegar is as effective as the raw fruit itself. Treating sore throat, restoring PH level, sunburn, fatigue, flu is some of the areas where this liquid works like a magic. Apple is not the apple of the eye but of the body and mind as well.

Food to avoid during yeast infections

A morning breakfast including bread is quite common. Be it milky bread, sandwich, brown or bun- almost all household prefer this edible stuff owing to its readymade nature. You don`t have to really sit and think and chalk out breakfast menu when bread is available. Cheese spread or mayonnaise and some slices of cucumber and onion with sliced boiled eggs make for a yummy filling breakfast. If this is a trouble just a toast and omelet is good enough. So you have kids going to school or family members rushing to work early morning, this food never betrays.

As a matter of fact bread is everyone`s favorite adopted child. Even I get jittery if I don`t see bread packet in the morning while making breakfast. So this is one thing that is always well stocked in all household mainly in working families. I do realize the convenience and time- saving factor attached to it. But there is one glitch. Regular consumption of bread might not be very useful for the body. Its main ingredient is yeast which acts as a leavening agent and then baked. People undergoing liver detoxification are warned to stay away from this food- item. People tend to forget that yeast infection condition is related with candida and the candiasis is nothing but harmful yeasts eating away the digestive system and the immune system. Only for mere comfort and convenience factor the body shouldn`t be toyed with. Our lifestyle and work culture is so fast and furious that we are always in a maddening hurry. Even seven days in a week seem less most of the times. Expecting people to realize and understand what to eat and what not to appear difficult.

Even if you are not diagnosed with candida or yeast infection, it doesn`t mean that you can eat whatever you feel fancy for. If your breakfast, lunch and snack hover among burgers, sandwiches and hotdogs better watch out. The internet is flooded with list of yeast infections natural remedy. If the food tastes bland during liver detoxification try tossing that in oregano oil. It will not only kill those yeast and bacteria but will also enhance the taste of your detox diet. Eat yogurt daily. It will cool down the body and wash out the fungus as well. There are so many options and remedies available. What is lacking is man`s will and determination to pursue it until hit by pain and itching.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Do away with stomach ailments with a healthy lifestyle

Acid reflux is a common problem with people. When it happens it leads to discomfort and pain. Usually people turn towards medications to get relief but medications only provide temporary relief and are not a long term solution. Moreover it leads to many side effects. Any medical expert will tell you that the problem of acid reflux lies in your diet. Your stomach gets stimulated when you eat food and this stimulation results in production of acid which helps in digestion. There are some foods which affect your digestive system. As a result there is overproduction of acid which leads to acidity. Therefore if there is a problem with your diet you should make changes. If you you’re your digestive system to work efficiently you have to keep an eye on your diet.

There are many traditional acid reflux remedies which help people overcome this problem. These are ginger, Swedish bitter herbal tonic, apple cider vinegar, milk and water. However you can also cut down the risk of acid reflux by following healthy eating habits. Eat smaller meals and do not sleep immediately after eating. Fibre rich foods are good for your digestive system. Discard foods like fatty or spicy foods, junk food, carbonated beverages and even caffeine as these trigger acidity. The most effective remedy is being aware of what you eat.

It is an established fact that acid reflux leads to heartburn. It can happen at anytime and to anyone. Usually people are more interested to know about heartburn remedies but they tend to overlook the reasons that lead to it. It is only when they experience pain and discomfort they look for a solution. Only remedies are not enough because you need a long term solution to this condition which can recur again in the future due to negligence on your part.

Health experts advise people that instead of depending on remedies you should try to alter the situations that lead to heartburn. If you are able to understand the reasons which trigger heartburn you can eliminate the problem forever. This is very important for those with chronic heartburn problem. These are actually preventive measures that ensure that your digestive system works smoothly. As explained earlier your stomach has to produce acid for proper digestion and you cannot avoid that. However you can prevent your stomach from producing too much acid by practicing healthy eating habits followed by an active lifestyle.

The Gifts Of Nature

We need to have a proper bowel movement in order to stay fresh and work efficiently the whole day. Constipation also known by the name of costiveness, dyschezia and dyssynergic defecation refers to the problems of hard to pass or infrequent bowel movements. Constipation is considered to be a symptom and not a disease, the treatment of which is done after diagnosis by the doctors. A major reason of constipation is our dietary pattern. It has been seen that constipation is not only caused but can also be made worse by a low fibre diet, low liquid intake and dieting. Another reasons accounted for constipation can be lack of physical activity, side effects of medicines, hypothyroidism and colorectal cancer which is a cancer of colon. Constipation can be easily cured by laxatives but regular use of laxatives is discouraged. It is advised to go for natural constipation remedies than excessive use of medications or laxatives. A glass of warm milk in morning can be the most affordable and easily available laxative.

In the days of yore, men and women used to treat themselves in case of any infection or disease with natural remedies which were affordable and available in abundance. Even now herbal medicines are very much in demand owing to their low price and power to cure without any side effect. Herbs valued for their flavour, scent, medicinal or other properties are used in medication, cosmetics and culinary items as well as for spiritual purpose. Certain herbs contain phytochemicals which have good effects on body. One of the earliest mentions of these herbs can be found in Quran. There are herbs which are useful in controlling pest as mint, spearmint, peppermint and pennyroyal help in warding off mice, ants, fleas and moth if planted around the house. Mint can also be used as a fragrant garnish for some dishes.

Herbs such as gaia help in candida cleanse. Candidiasis is a kind of fungal infection caused among men and women by a variant of yeast called Candida albicans. Candidiasis basically affects the reproductary organs of both the sexes by causing irritation and inflammation. The powder of gaia herb is very effective in candida cleansing program. Basil is a herb which belongs to the family of mint and is a tender low growing herb. Basil is a plant not only used for many purposes but is also revered by Hindus across the globe. It is a plant which mostly belongs to the tropical regions and its existence has been known since 5000 years.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Natural remedy is the best remedy

Acid reflux is a common gastro-intestinal problem and many people suffer from it. For some people it turns into a chronic problem over a period of time. There may be many reasons for this. Excessive dependence on medications or drugs and unhealthy dietary habits aggravates this problem. When a person suffers from acid reflux he feels a burning sensation from the chest to the abdomen. At times this sensation becomes extreme and the person finds the pain unbearable. Usually old people are more prone to suffer from acid reflux. This is because as a person age his metabolism weakens and he takes a long time to digest food. Actually it is that undigested food which triggers the process of acid reflux.

If you want a medical explanation for this problem then it can be explained in simple terms. To help digest food the stomach passes acids and juices. When these juices and acids are displaced to other organs of the body it leads to discomfort and finally there is a burning sensation. So, how to prevent this problem? Well passing of acids and juices by the stomach is a natural process which cannot be stopped but there are ways through which you can get relief.

Usually people seeking acid reflux remedies opt for medications. However these medications do not provide any cure. At the most these help to get temporary relief from the pain. Moreover prolonged use of such medications may lead to side effects. It may also affect your health in the future. Some people also use artificial acid regulators. These have side effects and therefore you should use them in limited quantities. Another problem is that you may get addicted to these medications which can be detrimental in the long run.

Since acid reflux is a common problem it is therefore better to seek natural remedies. There are many natural ingredients which can help treat this problem naturally. Applying the old adage ‘Prevention is better than cure’ can also work wonders. Try to identify and remove the factors that trigger acid reflux. Carbonated beverages, caffeine, spicy food, highly acidic dishes etc are said to be the culprits. Make a habit to avoid such eatables. Smoking and taking alcohol also aggravates the problem. There are natural remedies in the form of ginger, apple cider vinegar (an age old remedy), baking soda etc. The good thing is that these have no side effects and also helps to prevent this problem in the future and above all these help improve your overall health.

Yeast and Liver Detoxification

The liver is an important organ of our body as it performs a wide range of functions such as detoxification, production of enzymes necessary for digestion and synthesis of protein. The liver has a reddish brown colour and has four lobes of unequal size. Liver is considered to be the largest gland of our body as well as the largest internal organ. Also it is the only internal organ which is capable of regenerating itself naturally. Even 25 % of regenerated liver can form a whole liver. Many organs of our body are supported by liver and this also accounts for the liver being so vulnerable to many diseases. Liver helps in the mainstay of protein metabolism as well as lipid metabolism. In a foetus liver is the site where production of red blood cells takes place.

Liver diseases are also known with another name which is hepatic diseases. A majority of hepatic diseases are accompanied by jaundice which is mostly caused by the consumption of contaminated water. Liver is a sensitive organ and therefore it is very important to take its care. Liver cleansing or liver detoxification is one of the ways to keep our liver functioning in a proper manner and ensuring its longevity. One of the natural ways to deal with liver detoxification is to have nutritional yeast which is full of fifteen kinds of minerals and eighteen kinds of amino acids. In addition to this nutritional yeast also contains vitamin B which is extremely necessary for the process of liver detoxification. People should not confuse this yeast with the yeast used in breweries for fermentation which is very bitter to taste.

Yeast are microorganisms which divide themselves through binary fission. Binary fission is a process in which a single cell divides itself in to two which further develops into full fledged micro organism. A sub species of yeast called Candida albicans causes candida or a kind of yeast infection which is a very common form of disease in the reproductory system of both the sexes. Candidiasis can be manifested in the form of vaginal irritation in females. If immediate action is not taken candidiasis takes no time in turning itself into a life threatening disease. Candidiasis is easy to treat as it can be overcome by following simple measures at home itself. One just has to type yeast infection natural remedy in Google search bar and a long list of home remedies for this list is available. Yeasts have a positive side as well as since bygone eras yeast has been in use for fermenting bread and other bakery products. The traditional breweries could not be maintained without yeast which helped in fermentation.