Monday, February 21, 2011

The Gifts Of Nature

We need to have a proper bowel movement in order to stay fresh and work efficiently the whole day. Constipation also known by the name of costiveness, dyschezia and dyssynergic defecation refers to the problems of hard to pass or infrequent bowel movements. Constipation is considered to be a symptom and not a disease, the treatment of which is done after diagnosis by the doctors. A major reason of constipation is our dietary pattern. It has been seen that constipation is not only caused but can also be made worse by a low fibre diet, low liquid intake and dieting. Another reasons accounted for constipation can be lack of physical activity, side effects of medicines, hypothyroidism and colorectal cancer which is a cancer of colon. Constipation can be easily cured by laxatives but regular use of laxatives is discouraged. It is advised to go for natural constipation remedies than excessive use of medications or laxatives. A glass of warm milk in morning can be the most affordable and easily available laxative.

In the days of yore, men and women used to treat themselves in case of any infection or disease with natural remedies which were affordable and available in abundance. Even now herbal medicines are very much in demand owing to their low price and power to cure without any side effect. Herbs valued for their flavour, scent, medicinal or other properties are used in medication, cosmetics and culinary items as well as for spiritual purpose. Certain herbs contain phytochemicals which have good effects on body. One of the earliest mentions of these herbs can be found in Quran. There are herbs which are useful in controlling pest as mint, spearmint, peppermint and pennyroyal help in warding off mice, ants, fleas and moth if planted around the house. Mint can also be used as a fragrant garnish for some dishes.

Herbs such as gaia help in candida cleanse. Candidiasis is a kind of fungal infection caused among men and women by a variant of yeast called Candida albicans. Candidiasis basically affects the reproductary organs of both the sexes by causing irritation and inflammation. The powder of gaia herb is very effective in candida cleansing program. Basil is a herb which belongs to the family of mint and is a tender low growing herb. Basil is a plant not only used for many purposes but is also revered by Hindus across the globe. It is a plant which mostly belongs to the tropical regions and its existence has been known since 5000 years.

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